MPC Editor

New! FAQ Added below.

The MPC Editor allows you to create program files on your PC. You can adjust various settings, such as mute groups, mixer settings, tuning, resonance, filter and most of the settings that are available. It allows you to assign samples to particular pads by dragging and dropping the sample files from the sample list to the pads. When you are done creating your application, you can either save your program or export to drive of your choice.

This application creates and saves everything as files in which you save to disk and then load from disk on the MPC2000, MPC2000XL, MPC3000 or MPC60 with OS3.1

Add samples to program by selecting wave or snd files.
Preview sound files in editor
Open and edit existing programs
Import Recycle 2.0 AKP files. (2.1 is not yet compatible, working on it. April 2010) Removed for free version.
Remove/add samples to existing programs
Single interface to set mixer and note settings for a pad
Export function exports program file and necessary samples to any drive/directory
Export function can converts wave files to MPC3000 or MPC2000 .snd files for platform compatibility.
MPC3000 formatter that allows Windows XP write to MPC3000 disks. Removed for free version.
MPC Disk OEM ID repair. Restores OEM ID field of MPC2000 and MPC3000 disks that Windows damages. Read this. Removed for free version.
Backup and restore MPC formatted disks.
Removed for free version.
Prevent Windows from tampering with MPC format. Removed for free version.

Main Screen

System Requirements
Compatible Win32 Operating System: 95, 98, NT, XP

Download (2.5 Meg)
MPC Editor application is not to be redistributed in any format or any reason.

Additional information is included in the pdf file which is accessible from the Start menu or from Help/Instructions from within the application.

"Error #11" - There is something about Protools Wav File format that I cannot quite figure out. Open the Wav file in any other audio editor and re-save "Without non-audio info" option selected.
"Some other error #" - Most errors tend to be from no being able to write to the destination drive: Bad floppies, using HD instead of DD for MPC60, bad Zips. You should be able to open Windows File Manager/Explorer and manually copy any file to the destination drive as a test. If you can't then there is a problem with Windows recognizing the drive.
"Pitch is turned up an octave" - This is a known issue with some(?) Stereo Wav Files. Please convert the problematic wav files to mono until the fix is released.


Page updated: 31-May-2011